Welcome to our Projects page. It’s here where we will document what we’ve been up to in a bit more depth. For the first of our project specifications we’re featuring our New Zealand flagship, The Hawkins’ Family Burrell
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On the 31st May 2014, Sam - after a 24-hour flight - landed on the other side of the world in New Zealand, to be greeted by the Hawkins family having never met one another before. This would be the start of the rebuilding of the sole surviving true 10 NHP Burrell - owned by the Hawkins family for over 4 generations.
To begin with, the focus was the boiler and within the first 2 weeks the engine was stripped down, fire box removed, along with the boiler barrel, tube plate and throat plate. This was all to be replaced with new on Sam’s return visit to New Zealand around 6 months later. The original firebox, crank shaft, gears, many mechanical parts and valve gear were all put in to a shipping container and sent back to the UK to be repaired or replaced by Sam and specialist firms contracted in for components such as the crank and gearing.
This initial visit opened up the job and scope of work to be undertaken by the 25-year-old Cornishman who had never flown for more than five hours before!
Having then rebuilt the outer boiler shell on the second trip, next would be the firebox and then the mechanical stages could follow.
“It was such a unique opportunity to not only rebuild such a prestigious engine but to also travel to the other side of the world to do the work there. A proper once in a lifetime job. The engine had done some of the most serious amount of work I’ve ever seen; she certainly was well used and nearly every part had served its life’s worth of work and even done a bit more!”
In the trips following on from this, the rebuilding stage began. Every component was rebuilt with care and attention to restoring the engine as closely as possible to the condition in which it left Burrells back in 1909. From the belly tanks being restored to new copper pipework for the injector feeds, over seven trips spanning a five-year period Sam would spend approximately five to six weeks at a time in New Zealand before flying home to continue the work and building the business back in Cornwall.
“I was there to work. I put in long hours for many days in a row. I would then come home and make sure I got the work done for my home nation customers before returning to NZ for another five to six week stint. We even sent the tender back here and Scooby and I rebuilt that and then shipped it back ready for my next visit. A lot of planning went in to this project to ensure things I needed for my visit were there each time. It was an extremely busy period for me.”
On Sam’s sixth visit, he felt the need to take an extra set of hands. Michael Hasson joined him at a key assembly stage, helping with making new boiler lagging along with getting the engine back on its wheels and other smaller jobs.
The final chapter saw the engine back in steam - with a deadline to attend the South Brook Steam Engine Club’s 50th Anniversary Road Run. With many long days - and Sam’s dad’s help for over a week - the engine was the star of the event, meeting the deadline set. Following this event, Sam had a week to iron out any small issues and finish off the last fine details before it was rallied and then stripped apart to be shipped to the UK for two years to attend many shows and rallies.
“I was extremely well looked after whilst over there and saw many places that I would never have had the opportunity to experience if it wasn’t for the Hawkins family. I’m very grateful to them and have made life-long friendships from this. I value every job we do and like to carry out work to a standard I would be happy with if it was my own. This engine - from the memories, experiences and friendships made - is certainly that extra bit special.”
Flame Lilly, an 8nhp Aveling road locomotive owned by Nicholas Bailey from Dorset, began its restoration at Dingles Steam Village under the guidance of talented engineer Clive Gibbard.
Clive, his team and Nich underwent the mammoth task of rebuilding the boiler, wheels and most of the mechanical elements of this project - certainly not for the faint hearted. As Clive became closer to retirement age, he kindly recommended Henwood Engineering to Nich to assist with the fabrication work. To begin with, the manufacture of new belly tanks and the repair of the tender were the tasks to be getting on with.
“I was very grateful to Clive for recommending us to Nich and we jumped at the opportunity to be involved with yet another prestigious, interesting and large engine. I assumed the belly tanks and tender were our only jobs to be involved with so we just did the best we could and sent everything back for Clive to fit.”
Months went by and Flame Lilly was returned to steam before a phone call was received from Nich, asking if Sam and the team would finish the project after Clive retired. Further jobs included making and fitting the new lagging sheets, new motion covers, gear guards, cylinder block lagging and the unusual mud guards on the rear wheels. Things such as brass cylinder draincock pipe work and clips all need to be produced, requiring much attention to detail along with walk boards and other items which are often not thought about. It all then had to be brushed painted with many coats of paint and lined out freehand. This was all done in house by the talented and versatile team.
With the Great Dorset Steam Fair fast approaching, Nich was asked if the engine would feature as part of the ‘500 engines @ 50-years’ anniversary special, to which he agreed. This deadline was once again met by many very early morning starts and late evenings. The engine was only steam tested a day before and drove in to the show under its own steam that very afternoon, having not travelled further in preservation ever before. A great moment and achievement for Nich and everyone involved.